Erica Ruscigno

Jira coach and implementation specialist

Battle of the Software Development Tools: Shortcut (formerly Clubhouse) vs. Jira

After using Shortcut/Clubhouse for over a year and a half, and Jira for 10, I am uniquely suited to provide a rundown of the battle: Shortcut (formerly Clubhouse) and Jira.

Battle 1: Ticket creation


Shortcut ticket creation modal


  • Concise and easy to use
  • Small modal with only a few necessary fields
  • Performant
  • Saves a draft if you accidentally navigate away


  • You have to select your workflow before you can choose the state, leading to a lot of misplaced tickets
  • No customization


Jira ticket creation modal


  • Endlessly customizable to what you want to see and have your team see and do
  • Customize custom fields
  • No accidental ticket misplacement due to workflow or state selection


  • Form can get very long, even out of the box, before you add any custom fields
  • No auto-saving

Battle 1 Winner…SHORTCUT.

With Jira’s endless list of fields, Shortcut overtakes Jira with the single-screen simplicity.

Battle 2: Backlog management


Shortcut backlog management view


  • Tickets are small and easy to see/reorder
  • filtering is very simple with quick filters and pinned filters
  • Card size is customizable with 3 options
  • Can create a backlog workflow (example: Triage, low priority, up next)


  • None of the card customizing options contained epic and story name
  • You can’t see more than ~10 cards in each column
  • Forced to use lightbox to see card detail which opens on top of your backlog


Jira backlog management


  • Can see the epic, version, ticket number, and ticket detail all in 1 viewport
  • Can see >25 tickets in one viewport
  • Can prioritize and reorder tickets easily


  • No backlog workflow; instead use priorities and labels
  • With so many fields available the sidebar can get overloaded

Battle 2 winner…. JIRA.

With Shortcut’s limitations in backlog management, this is where Jira shines.

Battle 3: Sprint management


Shortcut sprint management


  • Easy to create and update an iteration using the iteration view
  • Viewing all iterations next to each other is helpful, with the story point completion showing in green at the top


  • If you want your team to see their sprint on the stories view with a board, you need to create or update a filter manually
  • Iteration analytics lack team velocity; one of the most important metrics
  • Anyone at the company can add tickets to an existing iteration (either intentionally or unintentionally)


Jira sprint management


  • Easy to create and manage iterations
  • Can prevent non-team-members from adding work to your sprint
  • can track team velocity and sprint burn down
  • Can adjust swimlanes to show by user, priority, epic, query, etc.


  • Can be complicated to configure workflows for many teams

Battle 3 Winner…JIRA.

Jira is built for scrum teams with complicated workflows. Jira takes this battle, hands down.


While Jira is my winner here, Shortcut can work really well for some teams.

Can Shortcut work well for your team?

The answer… definitely yes! Shortcut is a great solution if you…

  • Have a small to medium teams (under 50 people)
  • Use CI/CD and don’t have scheduled releases
  • Want a simple workflow that would apply to all tickets in your project
  • Don’t mind if anyone can add to or edit the tickets in your sprint
  • Have short backlogs

If you answered no to any of the above, then I’d recommend using Jira!

Additional reading:

> Learn more about Kanban boards in What is a Kanban board and when should I use it?
> Learn how to design and create a Jira workflow in How do I design and create a Jira workflow

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